Protect Your Legacy.
Blended Families
Life is full of uncertainties. Living wills, trusts, durable power of attorney, and succession plans are just the beginning of plans that need and should be considered when planning your estate. But what if you add the factor of doing all these things with a blended family.
Do your children get along with your step-children? Are they close, or are they distant? How do you efficiently lay out your assets and wishes? Who gets what? How do you ensure that when you pass, your blended family does not ‘go to war’ over how to take care of and distribute your estate?
Considering these factors, when it comes time to start thinking about the future, and laying out a plan for your assets after you pass, the Sowards Law Firm is there to provide you with not only filling out the paperwork, but to guide through a process that is not always easy to admit is needed. What sets the Sowards Law Firm apart from other firms? They have a proven track record, as well as the professional training to understand and solve your most difficult legal challenges in an easy and seamless way.
By working with the Sowards Law Firm, you can create community property and separate property trusts to make sure your assets end up with your chosen beneficiaries, rather than your spouse’s children.
Helping, and gaining the trust of families in California for over 25 years, the Sowards Law Firm is a boutique Silicon Valley law firm focused on Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Asset Protection, Estate Administration, and Business Law. Contact them today.